A project of the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
A project of the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments

Nurses Drawdown Global Launch

Nurses from around the globe are committing to take action to address climate change. Won't you join us?

Nurses have always known that the best way to prevent needless suffering and death is through strong and effective public and population health. We therefore plan to do all that we can to minimize the chance of future pandemics. That means we need to protect the health of the planet in order to protect the health of humanity. Even in the midst of a global pandemic, nurses are dedicated to building a healthier future.

Based on the science of Project Drawdown, nurses from all specialties and in all practice settings are encouraged to take action in four key areas:

ENERGY: Supporting a clean energy future by promoting energy efficiency and advocating for a transition to renewable energy
FOOD: Commit to a plant-based diet, use of clean cook stoves, and reduced food waste
MOBILITY: Bike infrastructure, walkable cities, and mass transit
GENDER EQUITY: Educating girls and family planning
NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS: Planting trees, protecting tropical forests and forest protection

As nurses, we commit ourselves to improving the health of individuals, communities, and the planet now, and for generations to come.

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